January 12, 2012

  • Beastiality.

    Sex with animals: I encourage it. They're everywhere and can't say no. Like YOUR MOM WHO'S A VICIOUS DROOLING BULLDYKE. OOOHH SNAAP GONG DUDE I AM THE MASTER OF JOKES also: hyper galactic star ship cruiser navigated by swearing gorillas with wheels for feet.

    Cute? Yes. Asking for it? Yes.

    Awful Xanga of the Week
    @Ambrosius_Augustus_Rex (thanks Liberal Feminist Jew Run Media) - Two phrases come to mind: too long, didn't read. This is the type of guy that never shuts up and lived under a rock his entire life. A regular conspiracy theorist. A guy that makes you think: I hate Terminator 2 now because this guy has a T-800 as his background. Ass.

    "Yesterday I saw something disgusting on TV. ABC news was on and as I was passing through the room they suddenly showed two women making out. It was the most disgusting thing I had ever seen on TV. Of course my dad changed the channel immediately but it was too late, the image was already burned into my mind."

    Damn, I saw two chicks making out. The horror. How can I live with myself after this? Oh wait, like everyone else. Push down your boner and head on down the dusty trail.

    "Penis size: There is a pop culture rumor that Asian men have small(er) penises. I personally believe that this is just a rumor which may stem from the fact that Asian men have less facial hair than other kinds of men. As far as I know no actual studies have been conducted on relative penis size. I don't believe that Asian men have smaller penises on average any more than I believe the rumor that black men have larger penises on average. However, it really should not matter as any woman worth having is not concerned with penis size. Why? Because a proper woman has no personal experience with penis size so it cannot be a factor for her. The only time it's a factor is when the woman is a whore with a broken stretched out vagina.

    So I don't get how you connect a rumor about facial hair to another rumor about penis size. Hell, my penis must be gargantuan by those standards since my beard is eating my face at this point. And I know plenty of whores with tight, unstretched junkspaces that would be more than willing to see how clean shaven your face is.

    "I am not interested in extramarital sex, and that is the problem with the majority of white women. The concept of marriage and family has been destroyed in most white cultures, and white women tend to spread their legs before they get married. A woman who isn't a virgin has no worth to me, at least not as a wife. I am willing to associate with a non-virgin woman as a friend, or as a work associate, or have one wait my table at a restaurant, check out my groceries, etc., but such a woman is not wife material for me. And being a virgin because one is not physically attractive is like never having stolen anything because one was born without hands.

    Well, good luck finding a virgin woman well into your thirties that isn't an annoying bitch. Oh wait: BORN: 1981.

Comments (7)

  • That Augustus dude is a MAJOR nutjob. I mean, HUGE MOTHERFUCKING WACKO.

    I suspect that the doctor that pulled him out of his (virgin until married) mother dropped him from at least 10 feet, and the poor thing fell on his head. What a fuckwad.

    Believe it or not, I actually tried to put it nicely. Not sure if I succeeded.

    Btw, you should tag him on your entry. As in, put @augustus_ambrosius_rex somewhere in your entry. Just putting a link to his site doesn't necessarily make him aware of this. Just a thought.

    Good stuff. You really mopped the floor with his sorry ass. Kudos.

  • Is there anything more awesome than this?


    Man, to think that's 'disgusting' you really have to be fucked up in the head. WORD!!! ::grin::

  • @In_Reason_I_Trust -  I agree with you agreeing to what I agree with.

  • @In_Reason_I_Trust -  RAmen.

    The guy is whack. I mean, even if it was the 1950's he'd still be a little behind the times.

    He's over 30 now. Even if he goes for 18 y/o's he's gonna have a hard time finding a virgin. I wonder HOW is he going to find out. You just don't ask that - not on the first date. And if you find out by getting intimate with her (even if he doesn't actually fuck her)...guess what? You're not married and she's not so pure anymore.

    What a whackjob.

    This obsession with virginity is fucking ridiculous and retarded, to put it nicely.

  • @In_Reason_I_Trust -  I was just skimming his comment section for that one post. It's paragraphs of uninteresting, pulled-out-of-a-brochure bullshit that I don't have the time to respond to.

  • @John_Q_Normal -  Hold the fucking phone. I don't remember writing this. IMPOSTER!

  • @John_Q_Normal -  Yep. He's cuckoo for cocoa puffs. LOL!

    @PervyPenguin -  Ummmm...what??

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