September 4, 2005

  • I'm the Best Mini Golfer

    I am the best mini-golfer on (current planet dominated by humans). No lie. Sure, saying you're the number one times ten ace/champion at a game played by five-year olds isn't much. It still doesn't negate the fact that I am the greatest and best mini-golfer to have ever barely played the game. During a game, I have been known to say: "The simplicity of this game is laughable at best my good man! Sally forth your meats and cheeses!" BECAUSE I'VE NEVER BEEN DEFEATED. YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!?! I'm so good it probably transcends time and space! I don't care if you're reading this ten years from now! I could go into the future and play myself and I would STILL WIN! YOU MOTHER FUCKERS BETTER BELIEVE I AM THAT GOOD AT MINI-GOLF.

    As a matter of fact, I can pretty much say that I am the undisputed, world-wide WINNER OF ALL WINS. I mean, there are lots of books and charts to prove - but that's not important. Anyone who disagrees is welcome to but you should go home and grow up as soon as possible! Like right now. I'm just going to use that as an argument from now on. You hate me? Grow up Peter Pan! You are looking so young right now, sonny! Oh, don't like mustard do ya? GROW UP LOSER - AND GET A LIFE AS WELL! YOU BASTARDS, GROW DOWN! I MEAN UP! GROWING DOWN WOULD PROBABLY BE something else I don't know.

    As my not-good anti-friend once said: "YOU ARE THE INTERNET". This is true. Just check out this graphic I made further proving the point:


    - Awful Xanga of the Week

    xXPaper_TigersXx - Here is a summation of the site:


    Get it? It's one big BLAH! Associates with the "HTML EXPERTS" blogring.

Comments (23)

  • Yeah well I played minigolf once, and my penis was so long i hit the ball with one swoosh, it went in (hole-in-one) and then my ball jumped from one hole to the next...I didnt even have to walk my lazy ass to each "green" to hit it. Cause my penis is magical like that.

  • That site burns my eyes.

    It's like pouring hot salt into my eyeball, and then pissing in it.

    I'd be in a state of pain so severe, my heart stops.

    But, I'd still beat you at mini-golf.

  • No, grow down works. Like if the kids are going through puberty, you could be like "GROW DOWN, ASSHOLE" as if you are telling them to stop being all teenagery and shit.

  • Mini-golf is fun, in theory. But once you actually start playing it becomes inexplicably frustrating and fucking impossible and all you want to do is smash that motherfucking ball through the motherfucking windmill and break your club over someone's head. Or at least, that's what happens to me.

    I suck at minigolf.


  • This site gave me mustache cancer.

  • I got anal cancer. Fuck.

  • It's incredible that you are able to write so much, yet say so little. I have to give you an eProp though, considering the fact that you have the reading and writing skills of a bowl full of pubes. I don't know how you do it, but keep it up buddy. One day all your wasted time spent documenting your uneventful life might get you recognized and bring your useless existance full circle. gg, have a good one. :)

  • Anyone ever tell you that you rip off Maddox's style. I'll admit that I do when the situation presents itself ^(see above)^ , but you....(refer to above). Sorry to make two posts, it might overwhelm you.

  • Then the Vampire Lord said:

    "^(see above)^".

  • Kenny, you really sound like Maddox, because clearly Maddox has completely cornered the market with his style that he totally invented and blew everyone out of the water.  I mean, it's not like sometimes he sounds like George Carlin or something, because sometimes people just sound like other people because there's only so many ways of going about things.  Nope nope nope, if you say something that in the least way reminds me of the way Maddox strings words and syntax together, then you have absolutely copied him.  And you ought be bludgeoned upside the head with a Uruguayan banana by an irate three-toed sloth.

  • People say I sound like Maddox too, but could it possibly be that one or more people just might share the same hatred for things and have the same writing style??

  • I you want to see a bad xanga, go here: ShabyebyesFatos

  • I think you sound more like Shakspeare, personally. Maddox is a pathetic excuse for a human.

  • that flashing "internet" is giving me a siezure.

  • Yes. That Xanga was "BLAH." And it sucked.

    There is such thing as too many blinky-shiny-I-know-HTML-and-you-don't things on one website.

  • that chick is covering her mouth in almost all her pictures like she's gonna blow chunks

  • You must send this chain letter to 300 people in 5 minutes, or a bunch of angry smurfs will hack off your balls and call you names.  If you're a girl, they will shoot you in the boobs.  This is for real,  I knew a guy who banged a girl who had a dream about a guy who played online poker with a girl that had her boobs shot by the smurfs.  Hurry, you only have 4 minutes left!!!

  • Kenny, I must say you look very polished in that picture.


  • Yes. Just gas.

  • My friend, that was a great picture. Since you dislike emo, you should also join my Revolution. We'd be happy to have you onboard.

  • yo whats with the comment?

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