April 5, 2005

  • religion.txt


    The views expressed in this document default around Christianity but are not limited to that religion alone.


    Gather 'round ladies and gentleman! It's time to talk about religion!

    I'm what you would call a non-religious. And nothing
    pisses me off more than people getting angry at me
    just because I'm not in there whole religion deal.
    I mean, what the BIG F?

    I decided to type up this textfile because I know
    people around me who say stupid stuff pretty much in the
    ballpark of: "God hates me, but I'm not religious."

    What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit.

    If you're not religious, then how come you're all "hell"
    this and "Satan" that? You think that just because
    you're against some God that it doesn't make
    you religious? You're nothing but the dark side of the force!
    But I, as a so called Atheist or however you people put it,
    don't believe in the Force. I would explain, but really
    I can't. There is no explanation for my religious-free life.
    I just don't really think about it because there really
    is nothing to think or argue about. And being against Gods
    and not believing in them are two totally separate things, so
    don't give me any of that.

    Let us now take a look at the million dollar phrases
    I hear all the time:

    "You're going to hell, Kenny!"

    I guess if I was a Christian I would. But I'm not. So,
    I don't know really what to say to you but I know of
    the whole heaven and hell deal and you're pissed off
    at what I did and that's how you express it with that
    there religion.

    "When you die, then you'll know there is a God."

    No I won't, because I don't believe in souls, afterlife,
    etc. Aren't you paying attention? I believe that when you die,
    you're dead. Just like that rock outside. Your brain stops
    sending signals, you're bodily functions cease - YOU DIE.

    "There are different levels of religiousness so your views
    are incorrect."

    Oh right, like different levels of chocolate in my milk!
    You've still got chocolate milk no matter what. I just
    never put the chocolate into mine. All I have is the
    knowledge of the chocolate and friends who've already
    converted to chocolate milk. And man, do I know a lot
    about chocolate milk because of these people.

    I could go into the whole aspect of "man, there are like
    forty thousand religions" but I won't because I'm not a
    religious man. I'm just very, very lazy.

    Not saying that I don't think cool things came out of religion.
    I mean, I use the word "Hell" a lot just because it's slang.
    Like "What the Hell" and "Who the Hell are you?" and things of
    that nature. And the whole Hell concept, being evil and such with
    strange demons that tear the flesh is all very interesting (especially
    in games) but I wouldn't integrate it into my life
    as some people have. I just don't feel like it really.

    Anyway, pardon my shitty comparisons and terminology, but I'm
    a huge nerd so that's how it works out.

    Also, read an article written by Tim Markworth inspired by this:

Comments (25)

  • "God hates me, but I'm not religious."

    bahahahaha! that is soooo me.

  • Religion is for losers who can't accept responsibilty for things.

    Or, maybe that's just Christianity. Or maybe I don't care.

    I  love you, John_Q_Normal.

  • i like to tell people they're going to hell b/c it pisses them off. Religion's a state of mind. Won't matter if everyone else is going to hell.

  • Didn't God die a few days ago?

  • Something tells me I'm going to get PWNed on this one...

  • I like God...he made boobs, death, video games, violence, poop, and other cool stuff.  That's my religion...oh by the way you're going to hell Kenny


  • Ok since you talk to Tim i thought you would be smarter. But that comment you left me was fuckin stupid. Please dont write anything that stupid again.

    have a lovely day

  • Okay. YOU are my new husband.

  • lmao ure funny and how could i be a pedophile when imme only 13? lol

  • Our next meeting is Saturday April 9 @ 1. Lemme know if you wanna come. If so, and if you want to, we can have a contract there for you to sign. If not, it's cool

  • thanks for the crack kenny

  • OMG, God, you killed Kenny. Fuckin' bastard. D=

  • Don't worry.  When you die you'll just recycled into Soylent Green.

  • Yeah, I get what your saying. But if you look at it from their perspective, they believe your going to hell. So if they don't shut up about it, that's a sign they don't want you to go to hell. Which is sorta like a complicated.


    I'm trying to be optimistic here.

  • Right... COMPLICATED.

    Just replace that stupidity with the word "compliment"

  • i have quite an opinion on your stuff and the article there was a link to: i agree that hypocrites are annoying (every religious group has hypocrites, that doesn't make everyone a hypocrite), i guess from your standpoint, when you die you'll find out IF there's a God (my opinion is yes, ther is a God, b/c of all the stuff i've seen), i personally hate looking at my "religion" as a focus..my main focus is why I live my life-Jesus died and rose to life again, so I could live...i have this awesome book with all these crazy facts if you want to read it-it blows my mind!! oh, the guy in the article said stuff about dinosaurs..i think they were extict b/c of the flood except for a plesiosaur something or another that they found in april 1977 off the east coast of New Zealand..man i have so much stuff in my head(this is a stinkin long post-eek).

  • jesus = zombie .... lolerweb 4 lyfe

  • I don't believe God created the universe, I believe he IS the universe!  Like, everything is the same being, just like all the little shitty pieces of the human body.  The body grows, the universe is growing.  We're just like cancer.  Yay cancer!!!

  • religion? ahahahaha

  • No man, no charge a'tall. How MANY people are we talking about lol? But yeah that should be cool, I'll run it by AJ just in case.

  • "Religion is the opiate of the masses." -Karl Marx

  • Don't EVEN get me started.

  • Good point about the time starting, thing. I changed that, too.

  • King Sepety...tell your naked midget butler I said hi

  • there will be drugs and booze and orgies and killin' and stealin' and all types of fun stuff in "hell", i can't wait.

    ::w/bells on::

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