March 1, 2005


    This is a serious piece of written work for the Internet that will express my important opinions and, in turn, enrage people who happen to read this. I mean, I am the King of Internets. All everything Internet.
    Some chick who didn't know anything about the Internet came up to me yesterday was like "how fast is your computer?" and I said "It's like fucking ten-thousand Internet speed units!" and she was all "Really?!" and then I was like "You know it!" and we high fived but not really because she only had two good fingers.

    At least that's what I assumed because she had boxing gloves on. You know what they say about assuming? It makes an ass out of you and me! GET IT? HAHAHAHAHAHA I'M THE CZAR OF COMEDY! ASS-U-ME! HAHAHAHA IT NEVER GETS OLD (100% JOKE BY ME COPYRIGHT ME). Unlike my grandmother, who one time I had an affair with. All I did was sit around and eat her scabs. I'll eat anyone's scabs really, if you think about it.

    Grammy Thinks it is Tasty
    I'm going to feed her something else, if you know what I mean.

    This is the end of the work and I have successfully written it without the help of my special tutor. "SUCCESSFULLY". That word is annoying because like there are too many double letters. It should be "SUCKSESFULY". Yeah, that would be better so deal with that.

Comments (31)

  • You are SICK!!!

  • SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK FUCKER.  Im Gonna kill you.  No joke. cunt.  slit your cunt lips open bitch.

  • i was picking the scab in my nose when i read the part where you like to eat your grandmothers scab.

  • kenny, that wasn't serious written work.  come on, high twos or sevens happened.

  • two good fingers, eh?  that's two plenty enough for good good times.  

  • lmao....Kenny....

    you are the fucking man

  • Once again you and your dipshit friends are making society look bad.  Idiots like you should be eliminated to prevent any further corruption.  You sick fuck.  I hope you burn.

  • hey kenny you make kenny's like me who like to throw poop and do stupid stuff really happy,  i love you like th basterd child brother that 've never had,(crying) i want in ur pants

  • I'm a dipshit. I'm also a moron. I'm a dipshit moron. I will burn because I'm a dipshit moron who dips his shit in moron that is burning.

  • lol, i like it when people read your shit and think your serious......

  • you crack me up kenny

    ...oh and i hope i never get so old that my skin looks like a rotten pepperoni pizza, but at least i have comfort in knowing there are nice boys out there like you to feed us

  • yea, erase all my old shit because it sucks and post those new "rymes" also in the update text please mention the phrase "Cowboys buts drive me nuts"


  • you bastard...give me some fucking e-props

  • your a very strange person...with very lame humor, hope you liked the fact that i said "tummy" my three year old brother laughs at words like that too. but you seem like a very mature person so ill let you feed your lover or w/e now, hope your balls drop soon!

    much love,
    the dork.

  • Alright dude, get real with me for a minute here.  I know I didn't have to read this or whatever, but the fact is, I did.  Regardless, why do you say and do things like this?  Is it some way of getting attention or something?  Why the disrespect?  I'm not trying to get down on you or anything, but I really just want you to get real for a second and think about those things.  Is this life about bein nasty and disrespecting other people?  It really only hurts your own self-respect.  I know this is really none of my business, but you did post your entry on what is essentially a public forum.  Seriously though, think about some things, really hard.  Like I say, I don't hate you or anything, I just want you to think about some things.  And I would ask that you don't just come back to my site with something nasty or sarcastic or anything.  Please consider what I've written.  Consider life, why you're here, where you're going.  If you have any questions, my site is totally open.  God bless.

  • You know what, I like the spelling of "successfully", and I don't care too much for your impotent rendition of it, and therefore I shall dispose of it, as I dispense with scabs--amassing them and putting them together to make walls and a roof for poor people shanty-houses.  But seriously, your opinions don't matter.  You can't just up and declare that something is different because you said so.  The English language is a product of collective consensus; if any shithead could just up and change it whenever their dick pointed that way, then it would be meaningless.  Unless you're rich, then you own a lot of people so you have that elite authority.

  • her liver spots make me so hot, I just want to moan "MMMM... DO ME GORBACHEV!"

  • You still get flames from this stuff? Jeez. These people need to take a chill pill and play NANACA CRASH!!

  • then maybee you shold avoyd threi year olds frome now on then huh? butt not to wory im sure it had nothin too do with the verbel implications of that particular purson...from wat i can tel yoo hav cwite a few people pised enof to kik your ass...and yet wens the last tiem yoo went so far as to overstepe the protecshon of the net and actualy get your ass beeten as im sur it wold be quite eazy to do. i mein y els woold you hide liek a pusy and pik on people who are, unlike yoo, comfortable enogh wit ther masculinity to use wordz such as tummy withoute gigling like a litle girl. so unles your dignifiyd enough to meat me in persone i hope you dont have the audasity to continyoo comenting on my siet since i wil bee, from hear on out, ignorn cowords and impotent morons. have a nise day.

  • look...grow some balls and start shit with people in person so they can beat out what braincells you have blocking you.

  • Yeah, I'm just out to get my assed kicked using stories about old ladies. You're still a huge dork, and I hate you because you can't type.


  • hey man, try and be more like me. I know that'd be hard, i mean im really hott, have a gorgeous girlfriend, and have a lot of sex, i enjoy hitting the four incher(smoking you dumbass), and a little guitar so just try

  • STD's and POT are AWESOME!! YE$$$$$!

  • STD's and POT are AWESOME!! YE$$$$$!

  • Heh, some people are really frickin stupid.  I can't believe some morons come to this site and take it seriously.  Anyone who doesn't think this shit is funny as hell should be shot, along with all people who use the expression "anyone who is/does[x] needs to be shot".

  • *scab dance* HAHA. can't get that shit good as you want it, you know you do. take for you.

  • Nah, I think that it's the way the new Xanga set up is. It happened to a few other friends of mine too w/e you change something in the Claf/look and feel section. I personally think it smokes monkey pole, but whatever.

  • When I first saw VelvishfuryV's profile pic, I was sitting way back in my chair, and it looked he was sucking dick. Then I went to his Xanga and realized it sucked, he started a blogring that sucks, and he's in another blogring that sucks. I did, hoever, verify that he was not actually sucking a dick.

  • I read your article about the NES game Rush N Attack...I love that game, and yes, it is frustrating as hell but I still fucking beat it.  I had to.  It was my reason to live.  I'm a dork

  • That entry would have been funny if it wasn't so GAY

  • lol. Again, I love you Kenny. Marry me!

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